Become a Member

While "feeding the need" for horses, our members will have experiences that build loyalty, character, and sportsmanship. Pony club helps members develop not only good horsemanship, but also transferable skills like communication, dependability, teamwork, organization, adaptability, leadership, decision-making, empathy, and initiative to become capable and productive citizens.
At its higher levels, Pony Club offers members the opportunity to travel both nationally and internationally to represent their region and nation in the major horse sports (Jumping, Dressage, Eventing, Games). This broadens members' worldviews and creates global citizens with friendships spanning the globe.
Whether your goal is to compete or to simply have fun with horses, Pony Club's group-based learning programs provide inclusive and supportive learning experiences for members to develop solid horse care knowledge and skills in a variety of equestrian activities.
By partnering with local equestrian centres, members of the horse community, and local businesses, pony club makes horsemanship accessible. New members are always welcome in the Windsor-Essex Pony Club. Whether you are an adult amateur horse owner seeking to improve your skills and knowledge, a horse-crazy youth or a parent looking for opportunities for your horse-crazy child to interact with horses, Pony Club is for you!